Någon du aldrig kommer släppa taget om.
Publicerad 2011-04-09 17:25:45 i
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Bytt blogg!
Whenever you look at me, i feel that in the whole world i am the centre!
Saknar er!
Sometimes we hate the person we love the most and yet we can’t stop loving them. We might push them away at times and yet we can’t live without them either. Love, life, and reality can really change any person out there.
One day she'll start sending you mixed signals, and you'll get mad because she finally learned how to play your game!
I miss you a little too much, a little too often, and a little more every day!
Friday the 13th
Jobbat arslet av mig hos far!
Sommar och sol!
Ska jag göra det, ska jag göra det på mitt sätt!
I don't know why, but even when we stop talking, just for a little while, I start to miss you right away!
No texts, no calls, nothing. But I'm still here thinking of you like crazy!
Lever mitt liv ikväll mabn vet aldrig vad som kan hända imorgon!
Oh man I really really really really really wish you were here!
I hate waiting. But if it's waiting for you. I'll wait!
Stockholms väder!
It's not about who you spend the most time with. It's about who you have the best memories with!
Stockholm i mitt hjärta!
If you ask me to hold your drink, i will drink it!
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